Altius means "Higher!"
Taken from the Olympic Motto- Citius, Altius, Fortius - "Swifter, Higher, Stronger"
Since 1984, Altius has been training gymnasts and setting them on a path to life-long fitness. Our small class ratios, caring instructors, and state-of-the-art facility combine to create a fun, safe, positive environment for your child. We are committed to helping our students develop an enthusiasm for physical activity that lasts a lifetime. Our goal is to create a fun and inspirational experience for all children. At Altius, our curriculum is designed to develop you child in three important areas- Physical, Cognitive, and Social. Once children gain a foundation of movement through Altius, they are well prepared to take on future challenges in sports and in life!
- Clean, open waiting areas with spectator seating and air conditioning throughout
- Multi-purpose room for Kindergym & Birthday Parties
- Seperate Kindergym area with toddler and young child appropriate bar, beam, and tumbling stations
- Multiple, developmentally based gymnastics training stations for beam, bars, vault, floor exercise
- Dedicated Ninja training cages with hanging obstacles, ground and balance challenges, and warped walls
- 18' Rock Walls with Auto-Belays, an 18' Speed Climbing Wall with timer, and Bouldering challenges
- Two spring floors, rod floor, traditional trampolines, string bed trampoline, 35 & 18 foot Tumbl Traks
- Four large in-ground training pits, three resi-pit areas, and one kindergym pit
Class Policies
What Should My Child Wear to Class?
Proper class attire and hair style help to create the disciplined environment required for gymnastics & tumbling classes. We find that when students come to class dressed and groomed appropriately, they also come prepared to pay attention and make good use of their class time.
• Girls: A leotard with hair neatly pulled back in a ponytail or braid. No jewelry, tights, pajama pants, or skirted leos are allowed. Girls in Junior Intermediate & up are required to wear a leo to class. No bare midriffs please.
• Boys: Gym shorts with a tucked in t-shirt. No socks or shorts with buttons or zippers please.
• Ninja: Athletic shorts and a tucked-in t-shirt for girls and boys, OR girls may choose to wear a leotard. Please NO jeans, skirts, pants that drag on the floor, tights or socks for safety reasons. Shoes are allowed, but they must have clean soles.
• Aerials: Leotards or close fitting tops and shorts. No bare midriffs.
• Girls: A leotard with hair neatly pulled back in a ponytail or braid. No jewelry, tights, pajama pants, or skirted leos are allowed. Girls in Junior Intermediate & up are required to wear a leo to class. No bare midriffs please.
What Are Your Policies for Class Arrival and Dismissal? Am I Allowed to Stay and Watch The Class?
Please arrive no more than 5 minutes before class begins. Have your child use the bathroom, put hair up neatly, and cover any warts or cuts while at home. Running and gymnastics in the waiting area is not allowed. Children in the waiting area should be supervised at all times.
Please meet your child promptly in the lobby at the end of their class. Children may never wait or play outside without a supervisor of at least 18 years of age. If you are going to be late picking up, please call Altius to let us know.
Parents and siblings may observe from the waiting area only (unless, of course, it is a parent/child class).
Please do not “coach” your child from the sidelines. Comments made by parents distract all of the students in the class and create confusion. If your child is unable to use the rest room by his/herself, we ask that you stay where your child can find you during class. Coaches are NOT able to assist children in the rest room during class time.
Do I Need to Notify You if My Child Will Be Absent? What is your Makeup Policy?
It's not required to let our office know about planned absences ahead of time, but we do appreciate it! Our customer portal allows you to submit your absences online ahead of time. No need to call or stop at the front desk! We allow one makeup per month, and it must be scheduled ahead of time either through your portal or with our office staff.
Go into your Altius Portal to log absences.
• You can select one or multiple children, select the date range, and the portal will give you a list of classes that you would miss in that range.
• Select the classes that you’ll miss, and our office will be notified.
• Our office staff must then confirm if the class is eligible or not for a makeup. Marked absences will not automatically show up as eligible.
All eligible makeups are available from your portal.
• You can then select a class to make up, do a search for potential options, and schedule your makeup date and time.
• If you are scheduling a makeup through the portal, the class must be at least one day out. For same-day makeups, contact our office directly.
Makeups cannot be scheduled for more than 2 weeks in the future.
• Not seeing any options? Contact our office and we can help you find a fit. Open gyms can also be used for makeup classes
• Makeups expire two months after the absence, and must be taken during that class session (School Year classes cannot be made up in Summer, for example).
• You can select one or multiple children, select the date range, and the portal will give you a list of classes that you would miss in that range.
When Is My Child Promoted?
Gymnastics Classes at Altius are progressive in nature. Students perfect basic skills in order to move on to more challenging ones; everything builds on their previous accomplishments.
Gymnastics classes are primarily age-based and contain lesson plans and skill lists that allow students to advance to more difficult skills while staying within their consistent, age-appropriate class grouping.
Much like how children do not jump to a new grade during a school year, Class Promotions are not common mid-session. Students may advance to further classes when a new Session (Summer or School Year) begins, based on their age and recommendations from our coaching staff.
Girls Gymnastics students in 1st Grade and up looking for additional challenges during their sessions are also encouraged to sign up for In-House League, which provides routine memorization, skill perfection, and competition experience.
How Will I know if Your Cancel Classes Due to Weather?
Any closing will be listed on WISN 12, TMJ 4, on the Altius website, and our Facebook page. During inclement weather, please check our website to see if we are open instead of calling the gym.
Generally, we try to keep Altius open as much as possible. Since most of our classes are in the afternoon or evening, we don't necessarily follow school district closings, as the roads may be clear by the afternoon depending on the timing of the storm. We also don't have a need to factor children walking/waiting outside and busing logistics into our decision. We DO consider driving conditions for both our customers and our staff.
If Altius stays open and you feel uncomfortable traveling to a class in the weather conditions, you are welcome to schedule a makeup or request an open gym pass good for KinderTime, Family, or Grade School Open Gyms via the front desk.
In the case of Altius closing due to extreme weather conditions, we email open gym passes to recreational students who miss class. Per our customer handbook, Altius does not offer refunds, credits, or make-ups for extreme weather cancellations. In the rare case that we cancel on the same day TWICE in one season, we will issue account credits to the affected customers.
How Do I Drop or Change a Class?
Our Office must process all class withdrawals and changes manually. Please contact us if you need to remove or change a class.
A class spot is held for your child while they are officially enrolled. Altius assumes that once you have enrolled, your child will attend through the entire session (until June for School Year, until the end of August for Summer). If you would like to withdraw from the program before the last class, you may do so by following the procedure listed below:
• Notification of withdrawal is required by the 20th of the month to withdraw for the upcoming month.
• A parent must notify the office in person, via phone, or the customer portal regarding their intent to withdraw.
• The final class date is the last calendar date in the current month.
• Withdrawal from the program is not retroactive at any time, for any reason.
• Drops received from the 21st - 31st will be honored, minus a 25% class tuition charge.
• Drops received from the 1st - 20th will apply to the following month.Students who have paid the annual membership fee may re-join the program at any time throughout the year (September - August) as long as there is a spot available in the class. All students are automatically withdrawn from their School Year class after Expo Week Concludes or from their Summer Class when the session ends. The two sessions are different, with different class days and times and must be registered for seperately.
To Drop For Summer: Refunds will be given up May 31st. Cancellations received June 1st-13th will be honored minus a 25% class tuition charge. Cancellations received after June 13th will apply to July. Withdrawal for July or August follows the same process as the school year policy (above).
What is Your Photography Policy?
Altius Gymnastics periodically takes photographs and videos of individual participants and groups of participants during classes, special events, and birthday parties for use in publicity and advertising. Unless you opt out as specified below, you hereby authorize Altius Gymnastics to retain the right to use any photographs, videotapes, motion picture recordings or any other record of the participant(s) at Altius for publicity, advertising or any legitimate purpose. If you do not want your child’s image and/or voice used by Altius, please contact our office via phone: 414-421-1200 or email:
This constitutes Altius’s notice to you and your agreement with Altius’ policy regarding photographs and videos. In the event that you fail to notify Altius, within 10 days of your having opened the link to this Policy notice, that we do not have your authorization, you will be deemed to have consented to and agreed with said Policy.
What is Your Medical Policy?
It is the policy of Altius Gymnastics to provide the participant(s), through medical personnel of its choice, customary medical assistance, transportation, and emergency medical services should the participant(s) require such assistance, transportation, or services as result of injury or damage related to participation in the activity. If the participant(s) is a minor, and a parent or guardian is not present, efforts will be made to contact a parent or guardian, via the phone numbers provided, that are reasonable under the circumstances, but treatment will not be withheld if a parent or guardian cannot be reached.
This constitutes Altius’s notice to you and your agreement with Altius’ policy regarding Medial Consent to Treat. In the event that you fail to notify Altius, within 10 days of your having opened the link to this Policy notice that we do not have your authorization, you will be deemed to have consented to and agreed with said Policy.
Billing & Tuition Policies
What Are the Billing Cycles?
School Year class tuition is paid monthly, based on four classes each month. Tuition is always due on the the first of the month for that upcoming month. See the Billing Calendar for specific dates during each monthly cycle.
The summer session is on monthly billing. Registration includes June tuition and a registration fee (if not enrolled since September of the Previous Year). Unless you notify our office otherwise, we will keep your child enrolled throughout the full Summer Session. Tuition for July and August are due 7/1 and 8/1 respectively. The monthly tuition listed is for 4 weeks of classes.
Any sales or coupons must be applied manually by our staff.
Occasionally due to holidays or special events there are either 3 or 5 weeks in a billing cycle. Tuition is then prorated accordingly.
When is Tuition Due?
Classes must be pre-paid for, and tuition is due on the first of the month. Ex- October class tuition is due October 1st, November class tuition is due November 1st, etc. Tuition may be paid in person during office hours, postmarked on or before the due date, or paid online through our customer portal.
Can I Set Up Automatic Payments?
Yes! In order to set up automatic payment you must
- Log in to your Customer Portal and navigate to the Billing and Payments section
- Make sure you have a credit card on file under Saved Payment Methods
- Click on E-Payment Schedule and then select Withdrawal on the 21st from the drop down menu.
- Your credit card will be charged on the 21st of the month before until either the session ends, you withdraw from classes, or you change your portal setting. Ex- November tuition will be charged on October 21st. Automatic payment only applies to the school year session.Note- If you enroll in automatic payments after the 21st of the month, you will still need to make a manual payment for that billing period. The automatic payment will start up on the next cycle.
I signed up for a Class/Event with a Coupon, but the Discount isn't showing up!
ONLY prorated classes, class (not event) sibling discounts, and multi-class discounts are applied automatically by the registration system. Our office has to manually apply all other coupon or sale discounts (including early registration sales), and will do so before submitting your payment.
Am I Billed For Joining a Wait List?
You are only billed for classes that your child is actively enrolled in. If a Wait List spot opens you will be contacted via E-mail to confirm that you would like to enroll in that spot. Once you confirm our office will process billing.
Do You Have a Membership Fee?
An annual registration and insurance fee of $30 per child, or $45 per family is due upon enrollment and is non-refundable. Our registration year runs from September 1st-August 31st, and the fee is prorated in January, March, and Summer. Altius carries excess medical and liability insurance for all members. Your own carrier is your primary insurance.
Is There a Late Fee?
Payments postmarked or received after the due date are subject to a $10 late fee each month.
How Are Tuition Statements Delivered?
All statements will be sent to the e-mail account you provided us at registration on the 10th of the month. Please check to make sure your account receives mail from You can request to receive paper statements instead by setting your statement delivery preference to “snail mail” through the customer portal.
What Payment Methods Do You Accept?
We accept cash, check, Visa, Mastercard, and Discover
Altius Gymnastics was founded in 1984. Altius is from the Olympic motto, “Citius, Altius, Fortius,” and means “Higher.” Over the last forty years we’ve grown into Milwaukee County’s largest and most complete gymnastics & ninja facility.
Altius Gymnastics offers a variety of positions that appeal to individuals from all different backgrounds. We offer employment opportunities to instructors with experience, college or high school students, moms/dads who want to work part-time, and gymnastics professionals looking for a career in the sport of gymnastics. Customer service and management opportunities are also available. Altius offers paid vacation, health insurance, and Simple IRA benefits to full time (30+ hours/week) employees.
Our committed staff believes that every child is full of possibilities and it is our goal to create a fun, safe environment in which they can discover that they are capable of more than they ever imagined. We make learning fun by relating to the child's level, understanding their needs and helping them become more confident each day. We are looking for friendly, energetic, fun-loving individuals with a talent for physical fitness instruction, love working with children, and a strong desire to help kids grow, learn and succeed. Are you that person?
Click Here to Apply OnlinePrivacy Policy
Information Collection, Use, and Sharing
Altius is the sole owner of the information collected on this site. We only have access to/collect information that you voluntarily give us via email or other direct contact from you. We will not sell or rent this information to anyone.
We will use your information to respond to you, regarding the reason you contacted us. We will not share your information with any third party outside of our organization, other than as necessary to fulfill your request, e.g. to process your payment.
Unless you ask us not to, we may contact you via email in the future to tell you about specials, new products or services, or changes to this privacy policy.
Your Access to and Control Over Information
You may opt out of any future contacts from us at any time. You can do the following at any time by contacting us via the email address or phone number given on our website:
- See what data we have about you, if any.
- Change/correct any data we have about you.
- Have us delete any data we have about you.
- Express any concern you have about our use of your data.
We take precautions to protect your information. When you submit sensitive information via the website, your information is protected both online and offline.
Wherever we collect sensitive information (such as credit card data), that information is encrypted and transmitted to us in a secure way. You can verify this by looking for a closed lock icon at the bottom of your web browser, or looking for "https" at the beginning of the address of the web page.
While we use encryption to protect sensitive information transmitted online, we also protect your information offline. Only employees who need the information to perform a specific job (for example, billing or customer service) are granted access to personally identifiable information. The computers/servers in which we store personally identifiable information are kept in a secure environment.
In order to register online through website, a user must first complete the registration form. During registration a user is required to give certain information (such as name and email address). This information is used to contact you about the products/services on our site in which you have expressed interest.
If you feel that we are not abiding by this privacy policy, you should contact us immediately via telephone at 414-421-1200 or via
Billing Calendar